屏東科大體育學刊 Journal of NPUST Physcial Education |
201803 (8期)期所有篇 |
- 應用健康信念模式探討運動參與頻率之研究:以第二型糖尿病患為例 Application of Health Belief Model to the Correlational Study of Sports Frequency: An Example of Type 2 Diabetes Patients
- 企業識別系統概念與學校運動代表隊應用之探討 The Use of CIS system on School's Sports Team
- 優秀劍道選手攻擊得分技術表現之研究──以日本、韓國、台灣隊為例 A Study of Outstanding Kendo Contestants’ Scoring Techniques and Performances: The Examples of Japanese, Korean and Taiwanese Representatives
- 國民中學學生健康教育學業成就之相關性研究 A Study on Correlation of Health Achievement in Middle School Students between Academic Achievements
- 宋江有氧與拳擊有氧之比較 Comparison of Kickboxing and Song Jiang Exercise