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Application of Health Belief Model to the Correlational Study of Sports Frequency: An Example of Type 2 Diabetes Patients
作者 竇文宏林秀卿馬上閔
本研究目的在應用健康信念模式探討第二型糖尿病運動參與頻率之相關情形,並進一步探究健康信念是否可以顯著預測運動參與頻率。本研究採立意抽樣,對屏東地區第二型糖尿病患進行問卷調查,回收349份有效問卷。以皮爾森積差相關及多項式邏輯斯迴歸進行資料分析,主要結果為(1)知覺運動利益與運動參與頻率之間有顯著正相關,而知覺運動障礙與運動參與頻率之間有顯著負相關。(2)知覺運動利益可以顯著正向預測第二型糖尿病患的運動參與頻率,而知覺運動障礙可以顯著負向預測第二型糖尿病患的運動參與頻率。建議未來可根據本研究發現,針對第二型糖尿病患宣導運動重要性及益處,且可再深入探討運動時間、強度及其他慢性病。 The purposes of this study were to examine the relationship between health belief model and sports participation frequency of patients with type 2 diabetes and to predict their sports participation frequency within the health belief model using multinomial logistic regression analysis. A purposive sampling method was used to recruit subjects from Type 2 diabetes at Pingtung, Taiwan. A total of 349 valid subjects were obtained. The collected data were analyzed with statistical procedure of Pearson Product-Moment Correlation and Multinomial logistic regression. The results showed that (1) A significant positive correlation was observed between perceived benefit of sport and sports participation frequency; A significant negative correlation was observed between perceived barriers of sport and sports participation frequency; (2) Perceived benefit of sport could significantly and positively predict sports participation frequency in patients with type 2 diabetes; perceived barriers of sport could significantly and negatively predict sports participation frequency in patients with type 2 diabetes. Based on the research findings, it was suggested that the hospital and health care providers can inform patients with type 2 diabetes with the importance and benefits of sports and the studies can explore sports time, sports intensity and other chronic disease in the future.
起訖頁 1-9
關鍵詞 知覺運動利益知覺運動障礙第二型糖尿病多項式邏輯斯迴歸Perceived Benefit of SportPerceived Barriers of SportType 2 DiabetesMultinomial Logistic Regression
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201803 (8期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-下一篇 企業識別系統概念與學校運動代表隊應用之探討




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