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Comparison of Kickboxing and Song Jiang Exercise
作者 陳岷莘歐宗明
宋江有氧為近年來新創發之有氧舞蹈,具在地文化色彩,亦是目前唯一由臺灣研發之有氧舞蹈模式,因此有必要對宋江有氧作進一步了解及分析。本文之目的即在比較宋江有氧與拳擊有氧之內容,以進一步瞭解宋江有氧之特性。經分析後發現,在動作形態層面,兩者皆是運用有氧運動原理,從基礎有氧舞蹈衍生而來;拳擊有氧一般套裝課程,皆非初學者可以馬上銜接,宋江有氧創發時,是以全民運動及傳承民俗傳統為前提。在音樂形態層面,兩者皆可自由選擇音樂,或改變每分鐘的節拍數(beat per minute, BPM);宋江有氧在音樂選用上,則更獨特地可搭配現場演奏之傳統樂曲。在動作組合層面,兩者在編排上均有一定的拍子數;拳擊有氧是由單一基本動作,延展出攻擊與防禦,宋江有氧則是以有效掌控不同的武術與兵器,及宋江陣原素加以編排。本文採分析法及歸納法進行概念考察,依動作型態、音樂型態、參與型態之軸向分析比較。藉由本文的分析比較,除了對從臺灣民俗體育運動發展出的本土創意有氧舞蹈,有更深入之認知外,亦希冀有助於宋江有氧之推展。 Song Jiang Exercise, a recent new aerobic dance, characterized in localization and distinctiveness, the only one aerobic dance created by the Taiwanese, a further analysis was required. The purpose of this study was aim to compare the differences between Song Jiang Exercise and Kickboxing to gain a deep understanding on the characteristics of Song Jiang Exercise. It was found that both kickboxing and Song Jiang Exercise derived from aerobics dance applying the principles of aerobic exercise on the aspect of movement gestures; the set courses of kickboxing were not suitable for beginners while Song Jiang Exercise was the aerobic dance under the premise of sports-for-all and heritage of folk culture of tradition. In the form of music, both can either apply music of free choice or amend BPM; Song Jiang Exercise used to choose the unique traditional music and songs matching live musical performances. There were a certain beat for movement combination of both exercises; kickboxing was developed the attack and defense based on the single basic movement while Song Jiang Exercise was developed based on the good use of different martial arts and weapons, as well as the Son-Jun Battle. The authors aimed to gain a deep understanding of the local creative aerobic dance derived from the Taiwanese Folk Sport and to promote the development of Song Jiang Exercise.
起訖頁 45-58
關鍵詞 宋江有氧拳擊有氧宋江陣有氧運動有氧舞蹈KickboxingSong Jiang ExerciseSon-Jun BattleAerobic ExerciseAerobic Dance
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201803 (8期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 國民中學學生健康教育學業成就之相關性研究




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