屏東科大體育學刊 Journal of NPUST Physcial Education |
201203 (1期)期所有篇 |
- 經濟資源與奧運獎牌之探討 A Study of Economic Resources and Olympic medals
- 棒壘球打擊場消費者知覺服務品質對顧客忠誠度之影響──探討滿意度的中介效果 The Effect of Baseball and Softball Batting Field Customer’s Perceived Service Quality on Customer Loyalty: the Mediating Effect of Satisfaction \
- 2010年關懷盃少棒隊伍訓練歷程之研究 A Research on Training Process of Little League Baseball Teams in 2010 Kuan-Huai Cup
- 中高齡族群休閒動機與阻礙之研究──以屏東縣為例 Leisure motivations and constraints of the older population - in Pingtung County
- 體重過重學童介入運動後對健康體適能提升效果 Exercise Intervention for Upper Primary School Children Are Overweight the Impact of Health-Related Fitness
- 台灣教師休閒參與與休閒阻礙之探討 Discussion of the Literature Review of the Teachers’ Leisure Participation and Leisure Barriers in Taiwan