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Discussion of the Literature Review of the Teachers’ Leisure Participation and Leisure Barriers in Taiwan
作者 何永彬
目的:本文主要目的是藉由探討休閒活動的參與與休閒阻礙的相關文獻,來喚醒讀者對於休閒活動的重視。採用論文回顧方式,將所收集到之文獻歸納整理,並提出最後之結論與建議。結果:一、所謂的休閒定義歸納為三:(一)、時間:自由可以支配的時間;(二)、活動性質:非個人、職業比賽,亦非胡亂、不受拘謹限制的遊戲;(三)、活化心理狀態:可達成隨心所欲,或達到休養精神之活動。二、休閒阻礙因素:(一)、個人因素:沒時間、沒機會;(二)、人際(同儕)因素:例如,朋友,家人,同學間的影響;(三)、非人的因素:場地、天氣、金錢、時間...等等。三、不同類別的台灣教師休閒參與有、休閒阻礙有其共同性。四、台灣教師之休閒參與與休閒阻礙之呈現正相關。建議:安排專業人力,教育、訓練台灣教師以提升教師安排休閒活動的能力,改善從事休閒活動的動機,並達到真正從事休閒的益處。 The purpose of this study is to investigate the participation in leisure activities and leisure constraints literature, to awaken the attention of the readers for leisure activities. In this study, we used the paper reviews. Then we collated and analyzed the collected literature, and made the last of the conclusions and recommendations. Results and Conclusions: First, the definition of leisure is: (a) free disposable time; (b) the nature of the activity: non-personal, professional game, nor at random, from the formal restrictions of the game; (c) the activation state of mind: You can reach arbitrary, or reach the rest of spiritual activities. Second, leisure barriers factors: (a) personal factors: no time, no chance; (b) interpersonal (with peers) factors: for example, between friends, family, classmates impact; (c) the non-human factors: site , weather, money, time ... and so on. Third, the different categories of teachers in Taiwan, their leisure participation, and leisure barriers were commonality. Fourth, teachers in Taiwan leisure participation was positively correlated with the leisure barriers. Recommendations: Support a professional person, to educate, and train teachers in Taiwan. In older to, enhance the ability of teachers in arrange leisure activities, also to improve the motivation to engage in leisure activities, and achieve the benefits of truly engaged in leisure.
起訖頁 77-95
關鍵詞 休閒參與休閒阻礙休閒生活leisure participationleisure barriersthe life of leisure
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201203 (1期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 體重過重學童介入運動後對健康體適能提升效果




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