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Exercise Intervention for Upper Primary School Children Are Overweight the Impact of Health-Related Fitness
作者 沈建國郭癸賓林秀卿
本研究主要目的在探討介入運動八週,每週五次的運動處方後對國小體重過重學童的健康體適能提升效果。體重過重是以身體質量指數(BMI)≧22之學童34名為受試者。接受身高、體重、坐姿體前彎、60秒屈膝仰臥起坐、八百公尺跑走等體適能測驗,測驗方法依教師體適能指導手冊規定。以相依樣本t檢定分析實驗前、後之間的差異性,顯著水準定為α=.05。經過實施八週的運動處方介入活動後,男學童在身高、體重、柔軟度、肌耐力、心肺耐力前後測成績皆達統計顯著水準(P<.05);女學童則在柔軟度、肌耐力、心肺耐力前後測成績皆達統計顯著水準(P<.05)。故經由本研究結果發現,適當的運動介入有助於國小體重過重學童健康體適能的提昇。 This study aims to investigate the high-grade primary school children are overweight for eight weeks, five times for a week exercise intervention, the health effects of physical fitness. The subjects were body mass index (BMI) ≧ 22 of the 34 overweight children. Subjects receiving height, weight, sit-bent, 60-second sit-up, 800 meters walk-run for physical fitness test. Test method according to guide teachers in physical fitness requirements. To the dependent sample t-test analysis before the experiment, after the differences between, level of significance set at α =. 05. After eight-week exercise training intervention after the event, men and children in height, weight, flexibility, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance before and after the test results are statistically significant level (P<.05); female children in flexibility, muscular endurance, cardio-pulmonary before and after the endurance test results are statistically significant level (P<.05). By the results of this study found that the appropriate exercise intervention helps upper primary school children are overweight physical fitness of the upgrade.
起訖頁 67-76
關鍵詞 體重過重學童運動介入健康體適能OverweightExercise InterventionFitness
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201203 (1期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 中高齡族群休閒動機與阻礙之研究──以屏東縣為例
該期刊-下一篇 台灣教師休閒參與與休閒阻礙之探討




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