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A Research on Training Process of Little League Baseball Teams in 2010 Kuan-Huai Cup
作者 馬上閔黃奕裕楊明利
本研究以質性研究方式探討參與2010關懷盃少棒賽參賽隊伍的參賽歷程,透過深度訪談關懷盃參賽隊伍之教練,深入探討少棒教練如何掌握訓練球隊的方法。研究目的包括:一、分析少棒教練在準備盃賽中提升選手技術層面的訓練過程。二、分析少棒教練在準備盃賽提升選手戰術執行度的訓練過程。三、分析少棒教練與選手間的認知與互動關係對比賽勝負的影響。經過訪談內容的整理及分析,研究結論包括:1.提昇技術層面的訓練:在於訂定平時訓練及賽前訓練的差異,並以輔助工具加強選手訓練強度,而投手的訓練要以下盤為主;2.提升戰術執行的訓練:需以化整為零的方式,從區段延伸到整體訓練;3.教練與選手的相處模式:雙方必須建立在信任上,並達到亦師亦友的狀態,而從培養良好的個性才會建立起榮譽心,進而產生球隊的向心力。 The current study employed qualitative method to examine the training process of little league baseball teams in 2010 Kuan-Huai Cup. The participants were team coaches who joined in 2010 little league baseball Kuan-Huai Cup. Through the in-depth interviews with team coaches and examine how the team coach control the method when training the baseball team. The study purposes were to analyze the training process for Cup players to improve their skill levels, to discuss the training process used to enhance the implementation degree of the tactics for tournament players, and to analyze how the cognition and interaction between Little League coach and player affect the game outcomes. The results showed that the strategy to improve the skill level of training including training plan in the normal time is different from before games and enhance training intensity by auxiliary tools. The focus of training a youth pitcher should be on the lower part. To enhance players’ ability of enforcing tactics is from the part of the field to all. Coaches and players must trust each other to the realm of getting alone like coaches and friends. The first step to develop players’ good character is to establish their senses of honor, and then to enhance their centripetal forces.
起訖頁 31-50
關鍵詞 棒球訓練歷程戰術baseballtraining processtactics
刊名 屏東科大體育學刊  
期數 201203 (1期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學體育室
該期刊-上一篇 棒壘球打擊場消費者知覺服務品質對顧客忠誠度之影響──探討滿意度的中介效果
該期刊-下一篇 中高齡族群休閒動機與阻礙之研究──以屏東縣為例




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