201206 (17期)期所有篇 |
- 早期儒學的道德倫理哲學探析──以郭店儒簡為中心的討論 The Philosophical Research in Ethics and Morals of Early Confucianism: a Discussion Based on Guodian Bamboo Documents
- 《太玄》與《易》的「殊塗同歸」關係 The Relationship between Yang Xiong’s Taixuan and the Book of Changes
- 從朱熹的治經忖量論《四書章句集注》的形制與意義 On the Formation and the Meaning of Sishu zhangju jizhu: Starting from Zhuxi’s Deliberate Consideration of Chinese Classics
- 世變時移下的紀行與述志:以馮衍〈顯志賦〉為中心的探討 Traveling and Expression during Eras of Change: A Study of Feng Yan’s “Fu on Conveying My Resolve”
- 南宋乾淳文制變遷與辭以風尚 The Changes of the Cultural System in the Years of Qiandao and Chunxi and the New Tendencies of Fu in the Southern Song Dynasty
- 「燃燈佛授記」本生敘事與圖像之互文性研究──以漢譯佛典故事和西北印、中亞與雲岡石窟造像為例 The Intertextuality between the Narrative and the Icons of the Jataka Tale of Dipamkara Buddha’s Prophecy
- 金文「□」字別解──兼及「惠」 The Definitions of the Character A on Ancient Chinese Bronzes
- 傳統中國的知識論──心與外界的結構一致性 Traditional Chinese Epistemology: The Structural Compatibility of Mind and External World