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Traveling and Expression during Eras of Change: A Study of Feng Yan’s “Fu on Conveying My Resolve”
作者 蘇瑞隆
Changes of time wield direct impact on the content and form of literature, and the significance of literary history lies in interpreting these changes. Due to the drastic political changes during the transition of the Western and Eastern Han Dynasties, fu on journeys and expressing one’s resolve comes into being and becomes a special phenomenon in the history of Han fu. Like Liu Xin’s “Suichufu” (fu on fulfilling my original resolve), Fen Yan’s “Xianzhifu” (fu on conveying my resolve) features the structure of a travelogue and focuses on voicing his resolve. Under the influence of “Suichufu” and the prevailing trend at that time, Fen enumerates a long series of historical allusions in it. He demonstrates his personal distinctiveness by applying the same technique of combining imaginary and practical traveling experiences as in Qu Yuan’s “Li sao” (Encountering Sorrow) and “Yuanyou” (Distant Roaming). Since both the content and the form of “Xianzhifu” are crucial in the history of the fu genre, this article attempts to trace the evolution of Han fu on journeys and expressing one’s resolve using Feng Yan’s “Xianzhifu” as an example, thus exploring the development of the fu and its relationship to historical change during the Han.
起訖頁 133-160
關鍵詞 紀行賦注解形式〈顯志賦〉世變fu (rhapsody)fu on recounting a journeyfu on expressing one’s resolve“Fu on Conveying My Resolve”vicissitudes
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201206 (17期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 從朱熹的治經忖量論《四書章句集注》的形制與意義
該期刊-下一篇 南宋乾淳文制變遷與辭以風尚




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