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The Changes of the Cultural System in the Years of Qiandao and Chunxi and the New Tendencies of Fu in the Southern Song Dynasty
作者 許結
With the national policy emphasizing on literary writings, the years of Qiandao and Chunxi in the Southern Song are compared by historians to the years of Yuanyou in the Northern Song Dynasty. Fu revives and flourishes during the years of Qiandao and Chunxi because it is reinstated as an item of the imperial examination. Two apparent new tendencies emerge: an emphasis on the lüfu (regulated fu) and the formation of the Qian-Chun style. The Qian-Chun style is a combination of the Ou style (Ouyang Xiu’ style) and the Su style (Su Shi’s style) in the Northern Song, and the style of the writers then, such as Chen Fu-liang and Lou Yue. Lüfu works in this period are considered the most representative of this genre in the Southern Song Dynasty. In the last period of the Southern Song, the imitation of the Qian-Chun style leads to the existence of a new type of fu criticism, which especially opposes the traditional artistic criticism and stresses on the pragmatic value of fu in the imperial examination.
起訖頁 161-183
關鍵詞 乾淳律體言志賦文制變遷辭賦風尚Qian-Chunregulated fucriticismchanges of the cultural systemtendencies of fu writing
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201206 (17期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 世變時移下的紀行與述志:以馮衍〈顯志賦〉為中心的探討
該期刊-下一篇 「燃燈佛授記」本生敘事與圖像之互文性研究──以漢譯佛典故事和西北印、中亞與雲岡石窟造像為例




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