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The Definitions of the Character A on Ancient Chinese Bronzes
作者 何樹環
In Chinese academic circles, it is generally deemed that the character A in Chinese bronze inscriptions has four definitions. When used as a function word, it means wui (惟); when used as a content word, it means shun (順, to obey) or serves as a name or a posthumous name. This paper compares the meanings of A and its derivative hui (惠) and draws four conclusions about them. The first is that hui (A) can be explained as zhu (助, to assist), which is exemplified in the inscriptions of Mao Gong Ding (〈毛公鼎〉), Shi Xun Gui (〈師詢簋〉), Shi Zai Ding (〈師鼎〉), He Zun (〈尊〉) and Yu Ding (〈禹鼎〉). The second is that both A and hui (惠) can be explained as jing (敬, deference ), which is demonstrated in the inscriptions of Yun Er Ding (〈沇兒鼎〉), Wang Sun Yi Lie Ding (〈王孫遺鼎〉), Wang Zi Wu Ding (〈王子午鼎〉), Wang Sun Gao Zhong (〈王孫誥鐘〉) and Lu Bo Zhong Gui (〈彔伯簋〉). The third is that A can be pronounced as zhuan (專), meaning zhisi (職司, to manage), as in the inscriptions of Jiu Nian Wui Ding (〈九年衛鼎〉). The fourth is that A can be pronounced as hui (會), meaning huiju (會聚,to assemble), as in the inscriptions of Fu Qu Zun (〈尊〉).
起訖頁 223-265
關鍵詞 金文Chinese bronze inscriptionshui (惠)zhu (助, to assist)jing
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201206 (17期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 「燃燈佛授記」本生敘事與圖像之互文性研究──以漢譯佛典故事和西北印、中亞與雲岡石窟造像為例
該期刊-下一篇 傳統中國的知識論──心與外界的結構一致性




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