200906 (11期)期所有篇 |
- 熙寧四至七年西湖詞人群體敘事──以蘇軾為中心 The narrations of Xihu literators in the years of Xining4th to 7th - Centers on Su Shi
- 簡論常州詞派的南北宋之辨 On the distinguishing between Southern and Northern Song Dynasty of ChangZhou Ci School
- 清代詞派研究的方法論:「社會學」的觀點 Methodology of Ching tzu schools research: a sociology approach
- 八股文的表格化整理──以歸有光的四書文為例 The Form arrangement of eight-legged essays - a case study of Four Books essays of Gui You-guang
- 公共園林與人文建構:明代中期虎丘地景的文化書寫 Cultural Writing of Huqiu Landscape in Middle Ming Dynasty
- 藝術自主與民族大義:「紀弦為文化漢奸說」新探 Aesthetic Autonomy and National Morality: A New Researtch on “Ji-Xian as a Cultural-Hanjian”
- 論鍾曉陽〈良宵〉與香港的互文性 A discussion on the relationship between Sharon Zhong’s “A Night for Romance” and Hong Kong from the perspective of intertextuality
- 氣論與儒學的近代轉型──中國與日本前現代思想的比較研究 Qilun (Material Force Theories) and Modern Transform of Confucianism - A Comparative Research on Pre-modern Sino-Japanese Thoughts