論漢語音韻學的「接受」轉向--以龍為霖《本韻一得》接受史為例 Reception Theory and Chinese Phonology: the Reception History of Ben Yun Yi De by Wei-lin Long
論清代的河南與山東方音──以《剔弊廣增分韻五方元音》和《等韻簡明指掌圖》為對象 The Henan and Shandong Dialects in Qing Dynasty: TiBi GuangZeng FenYun WuFang YanYin and DengYun JianMing ZhiZhangTu
試論近代漢語i介音的增生現象 Emergence of Medial [i] in Modern Chinese
徐邈穀梁學思想要義探賾 Exploring Hsu Miao's Studies of Gu-Liang
馬嘉運及其與《五經正義》關係考 On Ma Chia-Yun and the Explanatory Notes to the Five Classics
左翼共名與青年文藝──1947至1951年的《華僑日報》「學生週刊」 Shared Ideology among Leftists and Youth Literature: “Student Weekly” in Overseas Chinese Daily News from 1947 to 1951