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Emergence of Medial [i] in Modern Chinese
作者 李千慧
The historical period from Song Dynasty to Ming Dynasty is critical for the development of Chinese phonology. Many phonological phenomena in modern dialects can date back to Song Dynasty. During that time, diachronic sound changers across dialects can be observed, and found in the rhyme books and rhyme tables in Ming Dynasty. This paper aims to examine the special medial [i] which involves composition of onsets, rhymes and syllables. I will mainly focus on the diachronic alternations of the medial [i] so as to tease out the historical phonological changes since Song Dynasty. The medial [i] which is absent in Middle Chinese may appear in Modern Chinese, when the onset is the second grade (i.e. category) of velars, as shown in example (1) and (2): (1) kɔŋ > ʨiaŋ jiang (江) ‘big river' (2) ɣɔŋ > ɕiaŋ xiang (巷) ‘alley' Other examples include words such as jie (皆) ‘all,' jie (佳) ‘good,' jian (間) ‘room' and jan (眼) ‘eyes'. One of the Chinese rhyme books in Yuan Dynasty, Zhong Yuan Yin Yun, made no difference among the second grade of velars (e.g. jiang 江 ‘big river', jiang 講 ‘speak', kang 港 ‘harbor') and the third grade (e.g. jing 京 ‘capital', jing 驚 ‘surprise', jiang 姜 ‘person's name') and the fourth grade (e.g. jing 徑 ‘route', jing 涇 ‘name of a river'). Other two rhyme books (c.a. 1442-1642 A.D) in Ming Dynasty also report a similar pattern of the medial [i]. Taking examples from Four-Sound Deng Zi in Song Dynasty, Zhong Yuan Yin Yun (1324 A.D) in Yuan Dynasty, Yun Lue Yi Tong (1442 A.D) and Yun Lue Hui Tong (1642 A.D) in Ming Dynasty, this paper aims to examine the development of the medial [i] and its interplay with structures of onsets, rhymes and syllables.
起訖頁 137-159
關鍵詞 二等開口牙喉音i 介音近代漢語由洪轉細由洪變細the second grade of velarsmedial [i]Mandarin Chineseepenthesis of glide
刊名 政大中文學報  
期數 201312 (20期)
出版單位 國立政治大學中國文學系
該期刊-上一篇 論清代的河南與山東方音──以《剔弊廣增分韻五方元音》和《等韻簡明指掌圖》為對象
該期刊-下一篇 徐邈穀梁學思想要義探賾




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