清華中文學報 Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies |
201512 (14期)期所有篇 |
- 從漢語角度看極性問的類型學性質──真性極性問形式與疑問語氣成分的區別 A Typology of Polar Questions in Chinese Languages: Distinguishing between Real Polar-question Forms and Interrogative Mood Elements
- 論《老子》及其於煉養視域中的身體觀 On the Laozi’s Concept of Body and its View of Cultivating the Self
- 《大易象數鈎深圖》所見鄭東卿易學圖式之義理思想析論 Zheng Dongqing’s Theory of Moral Principle: An Analysis of his Yixue tushi 易學圖式 in the Dayi xiangshu goushentu 大易象數鈎深圖
- 「興」的基本輪廓與其在作品中的整體意義 A Basic Outline of Xing 興 and its Overall Significance in Chinese Poetry
- 迢迢簽約路、邊塞風土行:清初漢臣的出使紀行及其書寫意義 Diplomatic Journeys to the Distant Frontier: Travel Journals Written by Han Chinese Envoys during the Early Qing Period and their Literary Implications
- 空間、身分與公共再現:清末民初(1840-1919)女作者小說的「移動性」 Space, Identity and Public Re-presentation: The “Mobility” of Late Qing and Early Republican (1840-1919) Women Writers
- 《中原音韻》之異讀與特殊音讀考述──兼以現存元曲為證 An Investigation of Heteronyms and Special Pronunciations in the Zhongyuan yinyun 中原音韻:Evidence from Extant Yuan Qu 曲
- 民初海上「百美圖」時尚敘事與性別文化的塑形嬗變 The Formation and Transformation of the Fashion Narratives and Gender Culture in the “Portraits of a Hundred Beauties” Series
- 《紅樓夢》中「情」與儒教觀的博弈 Can Sentimentalism Survive?: Revisiting the Negotiation between Qing 情 and Confucian Ideology in Honglou meng 紅樓夢