彰化師大文學院學報 NCUE Journal of Humanities |
201903 (19期)期所有篇 |
- 吳晟新詩與散文的雙重奏 A Study on Duets Of Wu Sheng’s Poems and Essays
- 魏晉士人的生命自覺──以齊克果的存在概念為理解進路 The self-awareness of life in Wei-Jin literati─On Kierkegaard’s Concept of Existence as the Way of Understanding
- 論十九世紀女性小說《黑奴籲天錄》多愁善感之男性奴役旅程 The Disclosed Feminized Masculinity: A Sentimental Black Man's Trip in the 19th Century Woman Novel, Uncle Tom's Cabin
- 黃節《詩旨纂辭》及其《詩序》作者觀探析 The research about Huang-Jie’s Shi-Zhi-Zuan-Ci and“Shi-Xu-Fei-Wei-Hong-Suo-Zuo-Shuo”
- 本土化與在地化的實踐──《高雄市文學史》的限制與突破 Localization and Localization Practice—Restrictions and Breakthroughs in“History of Kaohsiung Literature”
- 禮物與交換:《詩經》中的愛情、政治與祭祀 Gifts and Gifts Exchange: Romance, Politics and Worship in Shijing
- 智圓大師淨土思想之研究 A Study of Zyiyuan’s Thought of Buddha-Fields