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Gifts and Gifts Exchange: Romance, Politics and Worship in Shijing
作者 吳雙
《詩經》的贈與詩、宴飲詩、祭祀詩,體現出前先民的禮物贈與和禮物交換的情形,有「愛情禮物的贈與」、「部族間的禮物進貢與交換」、「君王或諸侯的宴飲賞賜」、「祭祀中的儀品與獻祭犧牲」。從牟斯的禮物理論和布爾迪厄的象徵圖示論之,禮物與交換是以特殊的心理機制為基礎,彼此環環相扣,禮物的象徵意義和送禮的行為意義,皆具有深層且複雜的意涵;透過詩的記錄,反映先民的生活圖像,探究《詩經》呈現出的禮物意義、交換思維和儀式過程。當中禮物的目的、類型與作用繁多;禮物交換的回饋機制,以及禮物的象徵與其深層作用,緊密聯繫著人情、權力與關係。 《詩經》中的禮物與交換表現出當時的人與人之間的交往與約定、部族與部族間的權力交換與展示、人神溝通祈求的儀式及禮物的作用和意義。本文擬從《詩經》觀看先民透過禮物的贈與交換,進而探究其情感、經濟、社會、階級之維繫與建立的過程與意義。 Poetry of giving, feast and worshiping in Shijing describes how our ancestors give presents and exchange gifts. The subjects of poetry can include giving gifts of love, tribute paying and exchanging among tribes, feats of emperors and royalty. According to the Gift Theory of Marcel Mauss and Symbolic Theory of Pierre Bourdieu, gifts and gifts exchanging are founded on serial interdepending unique mental exercises. The symbols of gifts and the behaviors of gifts giving both embody deep and complicated meanings. Poems reflect the life of ancestors and the symbolism of gifts, ways of thinking of exchanging and the processes can be observed in Shijing. The purpose, the categories and the functions of gifts are many. The feedback of gift exchanging, symbols of gifts and their functions can be closely related to social affections, powers and relationships. Gifts and gifts exchanging in Shijing represent the communication and promise among people, power exchanging and showing between tribes, ritual for communicating with gods and the functions and meanings of gifts. This study exams ancestors’ behavior of gifts giving and exchange hoping to observe the processes and meanings of the maintenance and establishment of affections, economic and social system and social hierarchy.
起訖頁 111-130
關鍵詞 詩經贈與宴飲獻祭牟斯禮物理論ShijingGivingFeastSacrificeMarcel MaussGift Theory
刊名 彰化師大文學院學報  
期數 201903 (19期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學文學院
該期刊-上一篇 本土化與在地化的實踐──《高雄市文學史》的限制與突破
該期刊-下一篇 智圓大師淨土思想之研究




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