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The self-awareness of life in Wei-Jin literati─On Kierkegaard’s Concept of Existence as the Way of Understanding
作者 范芝熏
魏晉南北朝是個獨特輝煌的年代,也是最悲情的時代,身處在這政局極為黑暗、動盪時空下的士人,感於人命如蟻、生命無常,驚懼不安的痛苦讓他們得以思索並喚醒自我個體的存在意識,重新對生命的意義、價值展開探索與追求,以完成自我實現的想望。本文試以齊克果存在概念為理解進路來探討魏晉士人的生命自覺,期以不同思維角度與視野,對魏晉士人生命情調進行的理解與發現,能帶給現當代面臨社會文化轉型的知識份子一些領略及啟發,並得以尋到身心安頓的重心與方向。 Wei, Jin, Southern, and Northern Dynasties were an era not only splendid and unique but also sad and unfortunate. In the time of political darkness and social instability, the literati of this period could not help but feel that life was fragile and fleeting. However, it was also such terrifying affliction that allowed them to contemplate and awaken the existential consciousness of self, to restart their exploration and pursuit of the meaning and value of life, and therefore, to fulfill their longing for achieving self-actualization. Therefore, the subject of this thesis is to explore and the concept of the existence of Kierkegaard's (Existenz) to understand the literati's self-awareness of life and understand their sentiment of life from an alternate perspective, hopefully to bring some reflection and insight for contemporary intellectuals facing transitions in culture and society so as for them to be able to find the directions and purposes of a peaceful body and mind.
起訖頁 35-64
關鍵詞 魏晉士人生命自覺自我意識存在齊克果Wei-Jin literatiself-awareness of lifeself- consciousnessExistenzSøren Aabye Kierkegaard
刊名 彰化師大文學院學報  
期數 201903 (19期)
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學文學院
該期刊-上一篇 吳晟新詩與散文的雙重奏
該期刊-下一篇 論十九世紀女性小說《黑奴籲天錄》多愁善感之男性奴役旅程




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