彰化師大文學院學報 NCUE Journal of Humanities |
201709 (16期)期所有篇 |
- 土壤時間序列研究之檢視與展望 A Review and Outlook of the Soil Chronosequence Studies
- 修辭融入華語文教學──以拆解字詞為例 Integrating Rhetoric into Teaching Chinese as a Second Language on―Word Disassembling Approaches‖
- 宣言力量的弱化──文化產業視閾下劉以鬯〈酒徒〉的連載與結集單行比較 The Weakened Power of Declaration: Comparison between Serialized Version and Compiled Version of Liu Yi Chang’s The Drunkard under the Perspective of Cultural Industries
- 以劇佐史、以劇序志──清初李玉《清忠譜》公憤之寫作底蘊 “The Operas Proof the Histories and State the Ambition.‖ -Qingzhonpu, the writing based on ―public outrage‖ written by Li Yu in Early Qing
- 英語學習者使用請求行為修飾詞之研究: 「語用語言學」及「社交語用學」面向 EFL Learners’ Use of Modifications in Making Requests: Pragmalinguistic and Sociopragmatic Perspectives
- 《檳城新報》的語言選用──以煙、酒類廣告為例 The Language Adoption of “Penang Sin Poe” -The Cases of Cigarette and Liquor Advertisements