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The Design of Data-Oriented Decision Making System: The New Concept of Principal's Leader Decision
作者 林其賢高熏芳
本研究昌在探討資料導向決策之概念,並嘗試發展系統建構所需資料之內容雛型,以提供國民小學校長決策概念深化之參考。本研究首先蒐集團外資料導向決策系統相關之文獻,繼而進行專家學者以及資深校長意見之訪談與調查,發展之系統雛型資料內容包含﹒「學校方案資料」、「觀點見解資料」、「校內資源分配」、「學生學習資料」、「社會資源分配」、「教師基本資料」、「人口統計資料」等七大構面及與72項細項,以提供教育主管機關及現職校長發展之參考。本研究之對象為臺北市公私立國民小學校長,共計157所學校校長,以自編之間卷進行普查,回收有效問卷127份,運用SPSS10.0中文版作為資料分析 工具,採單因子變異數分析及獨立樣本t檢定、薛會法事後比較分析及皮爾遜積差相關法等,進行問卷統計分析。根據研究結果,歸納出下列結論:一、理想之學校層級資料導向決策系統內容包含7個構面'72項細項,各資料構面與細項之重要程度均達顯著。二、學校層級資料導向決策系統各資料構面與細項之適用程度均達顯著。三、任職不同學校規模、主任經歷之臺北市國民小學校長,在知覺運用資料導向決策之整體重要程度上有所差異。四、不同背景變項在臺北市國民小學校長知覺運用資料導向決策之適用程度上無顯著差異。五、資料導向決策各資料構面之重要程度與適用程度呈現正相關。
The purpose of research is to study the idea of data-oriented decision and try to develop the data content required by system as a reference for principals in elementary school toward depth decision concept. Thisresearch first collected foreign literatures and examples regarding dataoriented decision making system, followed by interview and survey with focus group, professionals and senior principals. Thecontent and items of system prototype include: Demographic Data, School Processes Data, Perceptions Data, Student Learning Data, Allocate Resources Data such five categories and 17 data items and 118 breakdowns as references for educational competent authorities and schools references in future de-velopment. Thesubjects of this study are principals of public and private elementary schools in Taipei City, total in 157 schools. We processed general investigation with our own questionnaire and effective questionnaire collected was 127 copies. We employed SPSS 10.0 Chinese version as the tool for data analysis and adopted factor ANOVA and independent - sample t test; Scheffe method and Pearson product-moment correlation methods to process statistic analysis for questionnaires. According to the research result, the summary is concluded as fol-lows: 1.Theideal data-oriented decision system in school level has 7 dimension, 72 breakdowns and the important degree of each data dimension and breakdown are all significant.2. Theapplication degree of each data dimension and breakdown in school level are all significant. 3. Theoverall importance degree of data-oriented decision by awareness is different among principals in Taipei elementary schools with service in different school size and directors experiences. 4. Thereis no significant difference in application degree of data-oriented decision employed by awareness of principals in Taipei elementary schools under different background variances 5. Itis positive correlation between importance and application degrees of each data dimension in data-oriented decision.
起訖頁 080-097
關鍵詞 資料導向決策校長領導校長決策學校改進
刊名 學校行政  
期數 200907 (62期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 教育機會均等的理念實踐-以一所偏遠小型學校弱勢族群教育的現況與期待為例
該期刊-下一篇 我國推行教師專業評鑑之研究--政策分析觀點




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