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The Research on Teacher Professional Evaluation Policy: A view of Policy Analysis
作者 林煥民
近年來台灣在教育改革的風潮下,家長、學生及社會大原對於教育品質與績效等議題,產生高度的重視與期許,使得教師的專業問題受到社會各界的關注。教育部從2002年起為營造教師專業發展結合教師評鑑機制之持墉進修的教師文化,提升教師的專業表現,以促進教育品質,著手規畫「教師專業評鑑」政策,作為善意的回應。但因缺乏評鑑作法之法源,改從「試辦」之角度出發,預計蒐集試辦成果資料(2006-2009 )後,再提案修改教師法朝立法之三請通過,即正式實施。本研究以政策分析觀點,透過教師專業發展典範文獻與成果之討論及對話,探究「教師專業評鑑」政策之有效性及可行性,結果謹供相關單位參考。
Under the trend of education reform, parents, students and the public have paid much attention to the quality and effectiveness of education. Therehas been a lot of discussion on the subject of teachers'professional standards in Taiwan. TheMinistry of Education (MOE) in response to the public's demand for improving education system, had planned the implementation of the “Teachers'Professional Evaluation System" since 2002, with the hopes of improving the quality of education and lifting teachers'professional standards. However the proposed system lacks underlying laws as its foundation. In order to better refine the prospective policy, the MOE resolved to implement a draft version of the proposed policy. Based on the results of the implementation (2006-2009), the MOE will propose to amend the Teacher Law accordingly. Tthrough policy analysis, discussion and dialogue this study intends to analyze the technical validity and feasibility of the “Teachers'Professional Evaluation" system, and its impact on future policy making.
起訖頁 098-119
關鍵詞 政策分析教育改革教師專業評鑑
刊名 學校行政  
期數 200907 (62期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 資料導向決策系統之設計:校長決策領導的新思維
該期刊-下一篇 學校經營公共關係之探究




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