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篇名 |
並列篇名 |
TheIdeal and Practice of Equality of EducationalOpportunity-Using a Remote Small Scale School to Understand the Present and Future of Minority Groups As Example |
作者 |
賴永和 |
中文摘要 |
弱勢族群教育的改進不僅可提升國家的競爭力,同時也是社會公平正義的實現,因此,在近年來成為各國非常重視的議題。本文回顧當前政府輔助弱勢族群教育的政策和方案,輔以一所偏遠小型學校在政策實施後之影響與省思,文末對弱勢族群未來的教育政策提出四個面向的建議,一、政策方面:(一)幼兒及早就學,向下延伸學前教育至五歲、(二)提供整合性的服務,改善學童學習環境與學習成就、(三)政府應整合各部門,並指導家長增能,營造經濟自主。二、經會方面:(一)因地制宜以學校本位之預算,確保學生受教品質、(二)投入經膏,建置整體且專業之特殊教育體制、(三)購買圖書深耕閱譜,並使圖書在社區家長據點之間流動。三、師資方面:提高偏遠小校人員員額編制,並增置英語、電腦及鄉土語言專任師資。四、評鑑方面:設立教育品質管制常設機構,提供學業輔導之參考。 |
英文摘要 |
Improving the educational opportunity for minority groups has become an important issue in the world recent!下It is not only the fastest way to increase the competency of a country, but also the realization of social justice. In this paper, the current policies and programs for minority groups' education will be reviewed, and the impacts after the policies and programs took effect in one remote and small scale school will be examined. Thereare four prospects of recommendation for the future educational policies for minority groups in the end of this paper. Firstof all, the educational policy need to (a) promote preschool education upon five years old children, (b) provide integrated services to enhance the learning circumstances and results for children, (c) Thegovernment should integrate all departments and help parents to build up professional skills, in order to have independent economic power. Secondly, the budget needs to (a) ensure the quality in learning for students according to the original position of school, (b) be used to build up an integrated and special educational system, (c) buy books for children to enhance reading and the exchanges of books between communities and parents.Third, the number of teachers in remote small scale schools needs to increase and provide professional English, Computer and Traditional Language teachers. Fourth, the evaluation system needs to set up a permanent institute for controlling the quality of education to be the reference for teachers. |
起訖頁 |
057-079 |
關鍵詞 |
教育機會均等、偏遠、小型學校、弱勢族群 |
刊名 |
學校行政 |
期數 |
200907 (62期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
7-eleven 不打烊:一位「學校新移民」對組織承諾的故事 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
資料導向決策系統之設計:校長決策領導的新思維 |