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治未指錄:健康政策與法律論叢 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Vaccination and the Consumer Protection Laws: Including the Study on the Duty to Instruct and Warn of Manufacturers of Prescription Drugs
作者 陳汝吟
Package insert for prescription drugs is often an appropriate, but not the only, mechanism for manufacturers to inform health care providers. In particular, it should be noted that if the impact of package insert is diluted by various manufacturers’promotional activities, the information of instructions and warnings provided by manufacturer may still inadequate. In this case, the product liability provisions of Articles 7 to 10-1 of the Consumer Protection Act shall apply. On the contrary, in a mass inoculation setting, physicians are less likely to inform patient of the individualized medical judgment, manufacturers are under a duty to clearly convey instructions and warning of the danger inherent in its vaccine to consumers by various means. This is an exception to the Learned Intermediary Doctrine. If the manufacturers only provide instructions and warnings through package insert, it still fails to perform its obligations adequately.
起訖頁 107-126
關鍵詞 疫苗消費者保護處方藥藥品仿單指示義務警告義務專家中介人侵權行為整編VaccineConsumer ProtectionPrescription DrugsPharmaceuticalsPackage InsertDuty to InstructDuty to Warnthe Learned IntermediaryRestatement of Torts
刊名 治未指錄:健康政策與法律論叢  
期數 202301 (11期)
出版單位 中華國民健康政策與法律學會
該期刊-上一篇 藥品專利與健康權之跨境保障
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣人民的食品安全相關基本權研究




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