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Lexical Semantics of Polysemous -qilai and its Implications on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language
作者 邱力璟陳司恩
現代漢語中的「起來」一詞相較於其他同類型的詞語如「下去」、「上來」等,其義項豐富且語法功能複雜,容易使華語學習者產生偏誤。本研究由「起來」的多義用法出發,以詞彙語義的理論進行分析及討論教學諸面向。過往的研究中,對於「起來」的用法有不少討論,然而既有的文獻大多數都是針對「起來」的各項語義做出條列和說明,且許多研究對於「起來」的各個義項也有不同的分類和觀點。針對上述的情形,本研究認為「起來」一詞實際上應有系統性的詮釋方式,而不僅只是列舉語義。因此,本研究參考Tyler and Evans(2001)提出的「詞彙多義網絡(polysemy network)」框架,配合中央研究院的語料庫,以歷時層面的角度分析「起來」一詞的語義發展。具體而言,「起來」由表示物理空間位移的用法,經歷認知隱喻的過程,轉而表示抽象時間概念的起始和結果意義。研究者觀察「起來」在語法上可定位為三種用法,分別是:結果(含位移)補語、動助詞以及起始貌標記。另外,在華語教學方面,本研究整理先行有關「起來」的偏誤研究和分析教材,提出「起來」一詞的語法教學排序及相關教學建議,以提供教學課堂中的教師或學習者作為參考。
The morpheme qilai in modern Chinese is rather complicated, in compare with the other so-called complements such as xiaqu, shanglai. Semantically, qilai has multiple meanings; while syntactically, it is hard to define which part of speech qilai belongs to. There are plenty of studies on qilai. However, these studies have predominantly centered on elucidating its various meanings and interpretations, often leaving non-native learners of Mandarin Chinese perplexed and susceptible to errors. This study aims to systematically analyze qilai based on the‘polysemy network’framework, proposed by Tyler and Evans (2001). Leveraging corpora from Academia Sinica, we have adopted a diachronic approach to examining the semantic evolution of qilai. Originally, qilai conveyed solely directional or spatial movement. Through processes of grammaticalization, qilai has acquired the meaning to denote temporal changes. Additionally, we discuss whether qilai functions as a complement, proposing that it serves three distinct roles: a resultative (including directional) complement, a verb particle, and an aspect marker. In the context of teaching Chinese as a second language, this study integrates with an examination of teaching materials commonly used in Taiwan. We present a structured sequence for introducing different usages of qilai and provide pedagogical suggestions to enhance the teaching and comprehension of it.
起訖頁 89-124
關鍵詞 「起來」多義詞語義網絡詞彙語義學華語教學qilaipolysemylexical semanticsteaching Chinese as a second language
刊名 臺灣華語教學研究  
期數 202306 (26期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 「好不好」在衝突對話中的語用功能
該期刊-下一篇 多元模態自主學習素材融入美國一大學中文課堂之漢字學習成效研究




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