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A Study on the Effectiveness of Learning Chinese Characters by Integrating Multimodal Self-directed Learning Materials in Chinese Courses in a University in U.S.A.
作者 鄭琇仁
本研究以多模態、自主學習為研究核心,融入美國一所大學中文課程,使用部件卡搭配擴增實境應用程式(Augmented Reality Application,簡稱AR APP)與傳統式小書的多模態自主學習素材,建立一套初級漢字學習模式,以達漢字認讀的成效,也探究學習者在此模式下的學習風格、策略以及師生反饋。本研究以準實驗的研究方法,邀請兩位任教於該所美國大學中文課程的華語教師,於2022年進行六單元自主學習實驗。以量化(前後測、學習反饋與學習風格問卷)與質性(訪談以及在測驗與問卷內的開放性問題)的方法收集資料,共取得27位學習者的有效測驗與問卷資料以及15位學習者與2位教師的訪談資料。結果顯示,學習者藉多模態自學素材可達到基礎漢字學習成效,AR技術支持的素材在字音、字義的表現顯著優於傳統式小書支持的素材。本研究亦歸納出六種學習風格類型(視聽混合型、多元混合型、視覺型類、聽覺型、視動型與聽動型)、四種學習策略(自我評量、依多模態特質自主切換學習方式、學習內容小單位化、善用圖文語音的訊息連結性),其中視聽混合型風格及自我評量策略為多數。學習者認為本研究提供的素材便於隨身攜帶、學習內容量適中,AR支持的素材有利於專注學習,部件卡與小書則方便快速學習。教師對本研究提供的學習模式給予正面肯定,並認同對未具備漢字基礎知識的學習者有很大的幫助。
This study adopts multimodal self-directed learning as a research framework. It utilizes radical cards with an AR APP and booklets as multimodal self-learning materials to assist beginner-level Chinese learners in learning and acquiring Chinese characters in Chinese courses in a university in U.S.A. The researcher investigates students’learning outcomes, the learning strategies and the learning feedback, as well as the feedback of instructors. The study applies a quasi-experimental research method, with a sample of two Chinese language teachers from an American university to conduct a six-unit self-direct learning experiment in 2022. The study used both quantitative (pre-and-post tests, a learning-feedback-and-learning-style questionnaire) and qualitative (interviews and open-ended questions from questionnaires) research methods to collect data. A total of 27 students provided valid quantitative data and interviews were conducted with 15 students out of the 27 students and their two instructors. The results indicate that learners can significantly improve their performance in Chinese character learning through the use of the multimodal self-directed learning materials provided in this study. The application of augmented reality (AR) supplementary materials results in a more effective knowledge retention among the learners, particularly in the aspects of Chinese characters’pronunciation and meaning, when compared to the radical cards with the booklets. This study identifies six types of student learning styles (visual-kinesthetic, multimodal, visual, auditory, audiovisual, and auditory-kinesthetic) and four learning strategies (self-assessment, autonomous switching learning methods based on the modes of the learning materials, segmentation of learning content, effective utilization of information links in text, images, and audio in the learning materials), with the visual-kinesthetic learning styles and self-monitoring strategies being the most common. The students perceived the materials easy to carry and the content appropriate and they also viewed AR materials as conducive to focused learning. In addition, the booklets and the radical cards were considered suitable for quick and convenient learning. The teachers provided positive feedbacks for this type of learning and acknowledged its substantial benefits, particularly for students with no prior knowledge of Chinese characters.
起訖頁 125-172
關鍵詞 多模態自主學習漢字學習擴增實境學習風格學習策略multimodal learningself-directed learningChinese character learningaugmented realitylearning stylelearning strategy
刊名 臺灣華語教學研究  
期數 202306 (26期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 華語動詞後「—起來」的詞彙多義分析以及教學建議




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