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The Pragmatic Functions of Hǎo-bù-hǎo in Conflict Talk
作者 鄂貞君王孝安何宜庭謝佳諭
「好不好」在華語句法中可接在陳述句和祈使句之後形成附加問句,具有徵詢對方意見的語用功能,如「我們明天去爬山,好不好?」。既有文獻不乏從語義虛化的脈絡探討「好不好」的語義和作為言談標記的語用功能,但少有研究分析衝突對話中「好不好」在回應策略裡的語用功能。本研究以臺灣現代影視劇的對話臺詞為語料來源,旨在分析「好不好」在衝突對話中所體現的語用功能和維護面子的效用。本研究以Searle(1976)話語施事行為的分類、Brown and Levinson(1987)基於面子關照的禮貌策略以及Culpeper(1996, 2008)針對不禮貌言談的論述為理論框架分析語料。研究結果顯示,「好不好」可用於和諧導向的語境,但也能用於蓄意不禮貌的言談。在衝突對話中,「好不好」體現的語用功能有三種:間接表達、弱化指示以及凸顯訊息。然而,當發話者有意不禮貌時,儘管使用了「好不好」,聽話者依然能解讀出蓄意性的不禮貌。在此情境下,「好不好」作為緩和語的功能是有限的。文末根據研究結果對「好不好」的語用知識提出華語文教學的建議。
Hǎo-bù-hǎo (好不好) can serve as a tag-question marker appended to the end of sentences, as exemplified in the sentence‘Wǒmen míngtiān qùpáshān, hǎo-bù-hǎo?’(‘Let’s go hiking tomorrow, shall we?’). Pragmatically, hǎo-bù-hǎo here functions to solicit the hearer’s opinion on the proposition and a genuine answer from the hearer is expected. Beyond opinion-seeking, hǎo-bù-hǎo has developed other pragmatic functions through semantic bleaching. While existing literature has discussed its meanings and usage as a discourse marker, limited attention has been given to its pragmatic role in contexts of conflict talk. This study seeks to investigate the pragmatic functions of hǎo-bù-hǎo in conflict talk. Data on conflict talk were collected from contemporary Taiwanese TV dramas. Drawing from Searle's (1976) taxonomy of illocutionary acts, Brown and Levinson's (1987) politeness strategies based on face concern, and Culpeper's (1996, 2008) theories on impoliteness, the authors analyze the contexts where hǎo-bù-hǎo is employed and explore its potential pragmatic functions. The findings reveal that hǎo-bù-hǎo can appear in both harmony-oriented dialogues and intentionally impolite responses within conflict contexts. Pragmatic functions realized by hǎo-bù-hǎo encompass making expressions indirect, mitigating directive force, and emphasizing messages. On the other hand, when the speaker intentionally conveys impoliteness, the hearer can readily discern deliberate impoliteness despite including a mitigating expression such as hǎo-bù-hǎo. In such instances, the mitigating function of hǎo-bù-hǎo is limited. The study concludes by suggesting pedagogical strategies for imparting pragmatic knowledge of hǎo-bù-hǎo in Chinese as a second language instruction.
起訖頁 55-88
關鍵詞 好不好衝突對話面子語用功能不禮貌hǎo-bù-hǎoconflict talkfacepragmatic functionsimpoliteness
刊名 臺灣華語教學研究  
期數 202306 (26期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 漢語「向來」和「從來」的多層面分析與教學啟示
該期刊-下一篇 華語動詞後「—起來」的詞彙多義分析以及教學建議




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