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Cultivating Language Sense and Practicing Oral Reading
作者 張致宓
Language is a systematic speech activity that uses sound as a communication. It comes from social conventions and is the conscious speech behavior of human civilization. ''Language sense'' is the intuition of human speech that has been accumulated for a long time. Users can supervise and guide speech activities through the perception of speech, semantics, and grammar. The quality of ''sense of language'' is related to communication and cognitive ability, and has five characteristics: intuition, integrity, individuality, commonality, and vagueness.
Linguistic sense is also an aesthetic process. Human intuition about the image of external things is measured by the ''Gestalt'' (Gestalt) school of psychology. This ''Gestalt'' school projects a ''sense of language schema'' in the brain through people's vision and hearing, which produces an assimilation or naturalization effect, thereby providing practical norms for oral expression.
''Reading aloud'' is a way of oral expression training. Through the learner's understanding of the text, they can grasp the topic, and then through the pronunciation, bring the speaker's emotion into it, produce cadence and tone of voice, and divide the sentences appropriately. The purpose of Chinese education is to be able to speak smoothly and present a sense of language practice.
起訖頁 58-74
關鍵詞 語言言語語感格式塔朗讀languagespeechsense of languagegestaltreading aloud
刊名 華語學刊  
期數 202206 (32期)
出版單位 臺灣華語文教學學會
該期刊-上一篇 從華語教學成效看華語編班規劃
該期刊-下一篇 Fossilization in Language Learning




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