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Maximizing Intrinsic Motivation and Learning Engagement for Online Learning Based on Self-Determination Theory and Information Processing Theory
作者 黃文柔
Since the wide establishment of network system and rapid increase of the network speed, in conjunction with the outbreak of COVID-19, the online learning has become one of major alternatives for employee training and school education. There are many advantages of online learning over the traditional face-to-face learning methods, however, the computers and/or technological equipments are required to perform online learning. This raises several issues for instructors and learners. For example, the instructors need to well design the course and develop or adopt suitable teaching skills in order to maintain good interaction and deliver the feedback. The learners need to overcome the anxiety and the resistance to the online learning and actively engage in the studies. The demand of social interaction for the learners during the learning process needs to be met. Among many factors, learning motivation and learning engagement of the learners are crucial to influence learning effectiveness of the online learning. In this article, how to increase the learners’ intrinsic motivation and learning engagement during online learning is discussed based on self-determination theory and information processing theory. That is, how to strengthen learners’ intrinsic motivation and learning engagement at the four stages in the learning process. It is deduced that the instructor needs to create an autonomous and sharing atmosphere of learning to meet the need of autonomy in the stage of perceptual encoding. In the stage of central processing, the instructor needs to stress the positive feedback to fulfill the need of competence. In the stage of responding and feedback, the instructor needs to emphasize providing the thoughtful and respectful interaction with the learners to meet the need of relatedness.
起訖頁 343-365
關鍵詞 線上教學自我決策理論訊息處理理論內在學習動機學習投入online learningself-determination theoryinformation processing theoryintrinsic learning motivationlearning engagement
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202303 (4:2期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 推動我國國際教育有效途徑之探討:借鏡澳洲國際教育
該期刊-下一篇 新加坡嬰幼兒教保津貼政策之評論




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