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Case Study of the Relationship between Interactive E-book Teaching Knowledge and Ability and Teachers’Self-Efficacy of Pre-Service Primary School Teachers: An Example of the Research, Development and Production of Teaching Materials Courses
作者 顏佩如
The study explored the relationship between ‘interactive E-book teaching knowledge and ability’ and ‘self-efficacy of teachers’ of Primary school student teachers in the ‘Research, Development and Production of Teaching Materials’ Related Courses. Therefore, the purpose of the study was four : (a) to explore the current situation of ‘teaching knowledge and ability’ of the interactive E-book and ‘teachers 'self-efficacy’ of the elementary school student teachers in the case university; (b) to analyze the differences between the interactive E-book ‘teaching knowledge and ability’ and ‘teachers' self-efficacy’ of the elementary school student teachers in the case university; (c) to use the qualitative and quantitative investigation on the differences related regression and prediction circumstances of interactive E-book ‘teaching knowledge and ability’ and ‘ teachers' self-efficacy’ of student teachers of primary school in the case university; (d) based on the above findings, to propose suggestions on the theory and practice of ‘interactive E-book teaching knowledge and ability’ and ‘teachers' self- efficacy’ of student teachers of Primary school. The study methods were case study, qualitative and quantitative research, and the conclusion were as followings: The correlation analysis results showed that the interactive E-book teaching knowledge of elementary school teachers had a significant correlation with teachers' self-efficacy; the regression analysis results showed that the interactive E-book "teaching knowledge" of elementary student teachers’ Effectively predict "self-efficacy."
起訖頁 275-306
關鍵詞 互動性電子書教學知能國小師資培育教材研發與製作教師自我效能感interactive E-book teaching knowledge and abilityresearch and development and production of teaching materialspre-service teacher education of primary schoolteachers’self-efficacy
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202303 (4:2期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 運用回應式評鑑於科學玩具的學校本位差異化課程之發展
該期刊-下一篇 家長參與青少年子女教育與大學入學之關聯




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