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Using Responsive Evaluation in the Development of a School-Based, Science-Focused Toy and Differentiated Curriculum
作者 帥繼華陳慧蓉
Differentiated curriculum is an important issue in the past decade, emphasizing that the curriculum needs to consider the different competencies and needs of students. Since responsive evaluation focuses on issues of concern of the stakeholders, it is suitable for the development and evaluation of differentiated curriculum. This case study applied differentiated curriculum in the science toy inquiry courses. Responsive evaluation was used to develop and evaluate this emerging curriculum. During the evaluation, the opinions of key stakeholders were collected to form the evaluation issues to adjust the implementation of the curriculum. Different from other evaluation approaches, the voices of students and parents could be taken into consideration in curriculum design. To effectively carry out the study, a two-dimensional evaluation issue framework was constructed, with the vertical axis as the curriculum development elements and the horizontal axis as the curriculum development stage. Data were collected by both qualitative and quantitative methods. During the process of curriculum development, issues of concern are continually raised, revised, and addressed. Results are (1) a total of 12 evaluation issues were proposed by the stakeholders in the curriculum preparation stage, (2) 6 issues have been properly handled and 5 issues have been derived other issues in the curriculum implementation stage, and (3) 1 issue could not be resolved even at the end of the curriculum. Using responsive curriculum assessment, the development of the curriculum can be understood from the issues of concern to stakeholders.
起訖頁 237-274
關鍵詞 差異化課程回應式評鑑科學探究學校本位課程課程評鑑differentiated curriculumresponsive evaluationscience toyscience enquirycurriculum evaluatio
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202303 (4:2期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 情境化的素養導向課程設計:以一所實施跨國合作專案課程的小學為例
該期刊-下一篇 國小師培生互動性電子書教學知能與教師自我效能感之關係研究:以教材研發與製作課程為例




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