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Nurturing Students’Transdisciplinary Skills through Issue-Oriented Transdisciplinary Narrative Course Models Implemented in Universities of Science and Technology
作者 陳樹人楊慶煜謝淑玲孫珮珮張瑞芳許婉甄羅藝方
The implementation of transdisciplinary teaching and the nurturing of talented individuals with transdisciplinary skills have emerged as important trends in higher education development. In 2019, the National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology began to promote the issue-oriented, transdisciplinary narrative competence development program for Rural-Urban and Land-Sea Sustainability in Kaohsiung City. Implementation took place in district areas of Kaohsiung such as Fongshan New City, Yong’an Fishing Port, and Cijin Harbor. Two transdisciplinary university-level credit courses, Smart rural-urban creation and marine resource sustainability, were developed. Each course module is taught by different teachers with expertise in the topic, while joint course structures were designed to integrate issue exploration, onsite observation, and narrative learning throughout each professional domain course. The result led students to bridge professional skills and transdisciplinary applications, allowing them to gain the knowledge to link and integrate solutions for solving real-world problems and achieving meaningful education. This paper mainly outlines the design principles, implementation models, challenges, and counterstrategies during the program. Reflection and prospects for implementation of the program can serve as a guide for university administrators to implement diverse, campus-wide transdisciplinary learning and teaching modules that encourage teaching practice accumulation.
起訖頁 111-129
關鍵詞 敘事力教學創新跨領域教學meaningful educationnarrative competencetransdisciplinary teaching
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202303 (4:2期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 技術型高中素養導向評量試題之發展策略與實例:以數位科技概論(應用)科目為例
該期刊-下一篇 德國職業教育與高等教育融通之探討:以雙元制高等教育為例




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