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Food, Body, and Thinking about Taboos: A Case Study on Circulating Morality Books(Shanshu)in Contemporary Taiwan
作者 楊翎
Morality Books (Shanshu) have been widely circulated folk publications in Taiwan society. They are also an indicator of conventional understanding and ideas among the modern Chinese people about religion, society, family, customs, ethics and morality. There are numerous narratives about food, the body, and taboos in the morality books, where some of them reflect the widespread atmosphere of the multi-religious forces in the society, as well as the various theories of medicine, physiology, science, nutrition and hygiene of the past and present. The main classification, distribution and special consumption patterns of food in these books actually convey the connection with deep cultural metaphors. In addition to highlighting the conventions of ethnic eating habits, they also incorporate the integration of environmental and cultural symbols, and some socio-cultural perspectives on biological, nutritional and medical matters. This article discusses the written texts on diet, therapy, supplements, recipes and so on, from many morality books collected by the author. This paper also discusses the symbolic relationships between food and foodstuffs, food and humans, taboos and the interpretation of the etiology of disease, as well as various transformations: from meat-eating to vegetarian, body: from illness to healing, taboos: from secular to sacred. Behind practical experiences of food classification in social life, this article explores topics such as tradition, beliefs, habitus and healing expressions, all aimed at re-examining possible multiple constructive relationships among diet, body, individuals and collective identity.
起訖頁 35-85
關鍵詞 善書食物身體觀禁忌Morality books (shanshu)foodbodytaboo
刊名 中國飲食文化  
期數 202304 (19:1期)
出版單位 財團法人中華飲食文化基金會
該期刊-上一篇 論宋代女廚
該期刊-下一篇 紹興酒意象建構與變遷:以風土觀點論紹興酒之浙江與臺灣發展




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