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西班牙俚語之翻譯探討:以西班牙電視影集《咖啡男女》(Camera Café)為例
Translation of Spanish Slang: Based on the Examples in Spanish TV Series, Camera Café
作者 黃翠玲
由於大眾傳播媒體日益發達,國與國之間的影視作品(電影及影集)跨文化交流也日漸頻繁,更突顯出字幕翻譯的重要性。而字幕翻譯為新興的翻譯研究領域有別於其他文體的翻譯,亦為日益流行的大眾文化形式,因此影視作品對於社會有著重要的影響。 源自於法國的西班牙電視影集《咖啡男女》(Camera Café),在西班牙引起一股旋風。該電視影集使用相當多的俚語,內容主要描述西班牙上班族在現代職場上點滴且反映出西班牙辦公室一族之社會現象。俚語促進人與人之間的交流互動,隨著社會的變化與發展,俚語也和主流語言一樣,使用越來越廣泛。 也由於學習西班牙語者與日劇增以及中文熱與本土化的趨勢,筆者亦藉由該影集中具幽默、詼諧、生動及豐富的文化意涵用語,以探討字幕之西中俚語的翻譯。
With the development of mass media, the import and export of TV series and episodes facilitate more and more cross-cultural exchanges. Therefore, subtitle translation plays a pivotal role in this cross-cultural context. Different from other translation genres, subtitle translation is not only an emerging area for research but also an increasingly popular cultural form. Therefore, the TV series, with subtitle translation, impose a great influence on the society. Camera Café is a French-born concept of comedy television series, in which Spanish is spoken. This TV series has attracted quite a lot of attention in Spain. A great variety of slang was used to describe the daily working life of white-collar people in Spain. The scenarios also reflect all aspects of office social life in Spain, including the competition, humor and office gossip. Slang facilitates the exchanges and interaction among people. As the society changes and develops, slang is used more popularly and extensively, as the main language is used. Due to the growing population of Spanish learners and the craze for Chinese learning and localization, the author will also focus on the humorous, witty, lively, abundant usages embedded with cultural implications. This paper aims to discuss the translation of slang from Spanish to Chinese in depth.
起訖頁 161-186
關鍵詞 跨文化交流字幕翻譯《咖啡男女》俚語本土化cross-culturalsubtitle translationCamera Caféslanglocalization
刊名 廣譯:語言、文學、與文化翻譯  
期數 201409 (11期)
出版單位 國立政治大學外國語文學院翻譯與跨文化研究中心(原:政治大學外國語文學院翻譯中心)
該期刊-上一篇 從中國古典小說《西遊記》看諷刺藝術的翻譯策略
該期刊-下一篇 淺談清末留日學生之翻譯作品對白話文學觀的影響




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