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Avoidance Strategies Used by Native Chinese-Speaking Translators in Chinese-to-English Translation
作者 陳孟琳
第二語言(L2)學習者,包括母語譯入 L2 的譯者,常迴避 L2中困難的詞彙或句子結構,作為克服溝通障礙的策略。本研究採用 Brown(1994)對迴避策略的分類,探討了母語中文的學生譯者和專業譯者在中譯英過程中的八種迴避策略。本研究採量化統計與質化分析相結合的「混合研究方法」(mixed method),包含譯文文本分析、翻譯過程 Inputlog 鍵盤記錄及譯後訪談。研究結果顯示,學生譯者和專業譯者均採用了所有八種迴避策略,其中上義詞和短語動詞迴避使用最頻繁。兩組譯者在具體的迴避策略使用頻率上存在顯著差異,然而,當兩組譯者在翻譯不同文本時,這些差異亦呈現變化。本研究結果發現了不同程度譯者採用的迴避策略,並深入探討了其背後隱藏的與英語學習相關的困難,對於中譯英及英語寫作教學都有一定意義。
Avoidance is a common strategy employed by second-language learners in speaking and writing, as well as in translating into their second language. This strategy helps learners to overcome communication barriers that result from their lack of proficiency in the target language. In this study the eight categories of lexical and syntactic avoidance strategies identified by Brown (1994) were used to examine the avoidance strategies of native Chinese-speaking masters' students and professional translators in their Chinese-to-English translation of two short Chinese articles. A mixed-research method that included textual analysis, keyboard and screen recordings with Inputlog, and posttranslation interviews was employed. The results revealed that the strategies of avoiding superordinates and phrasal verbs were most frequently used by the translators, who also tended to use such avoidance strategies in markedly different ways when translating distinct texts. The study elucidated numerous avoidance strategies used in translation into the second language, with implications for the subtle difficulties associated in learning English. This study aids the teaching of translation at the MA level, as well as Chinese-to-English translation more generally.
起訖頁 95-140
關鍵詞 母語中文譯者中譯英Inputlog鍵盤記錄詞彙迴避句法迴避native Chinese-speaking translatorChinese-to-English translationInputlog keyboard recordlexical avoidancesyntactic avoidance
刊名 編譯論叢  
期數 202203 (15:1期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 華翻越譯本常見錯誤之研究──以臺灣大眾媒體及公家機關的翻譯文本為例
該期刊-下一篇 以翻譯選集提升母語及其文化:從文化角度分析新加坡華人個案




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