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On Venuti's Theory of Foreignization, Its Origins and Local Applications
作者 伍啟鴻
自從韋努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)發表《譯者的隱形》(The Translator's Invisibility),提出著名的「歸化、異化」譯法區別以後,華語翻譯(學)界對此應用、引用、討論不絕。本文之「探源」乃分兩路進行:(1)探索韋努蒂的理論來源、與前人學說的差異,乃至從源頭處分析「歸化、異化」二分的弊端;(2)說明華語譯學界會出現對韋努蒂異化理論的誤用與誤解,並究其原因為何。本文目的,一則為澄清並凸顯韋努蒂學說的特異處,說明它不能與前人的異化觀念混為一談—但與此同時,韋努蒂在陳述其異化理論時又常援引施萊瑪赫(Friedrich Schleiermacher)、貝曼(Antoine Berman)等人說法,與前人糾纏不清,此乃造成華語圈學者混淆的原因。再者,本文亦強調「歸化、異化」的架構本來出自文化與政治考量,在使用時必須注意其普遍化的不良後果。因此,在本地應用上應盡量結合華語圈乃至臺灣本土的文化因素。畢竟,以翻譯與譯學研究進行本地文化介入,這才是韋努蒂學術精神所在。
Since the publication of Venuti's book, The Translator's Invisibility, in which the author famously proposed the distinction between the two methods of translation, namely domestication and foreignization, the Sinophone translation-studies community has continued to apply, cite, and discuss this methodology. In this article, we explore the origins of these methods from two perspectives: First, we return to the origin of Venuti's foreignization theory to identify the differences between this theory and its predecessors, analyzing the problems of the domestication–foreignization dichotomy; second, we address the original reasons for the occasional abuses of this theory at the local level. The first objective of this article is therefore to clarify and highlight the distinctive features of Venuti's theory, demonstrating that it should not be confused with its predecessors' concepts of foreignness. We explain that Venuti's presentation of his foreignization theory quoted Schleiermacher and Berman, sometimes resulting in conceptual confusion and prompting misreadings of certain Sinophone scholars. Second, this paper suggests that as the domestication–foreignization distinction was originally based on cultural and political considerations, when such a distinction is drawn in other contexts, attention must be paid to the possibility of overgeneralization (and the adverse consequences that ensue). Applications of the distinction must be integrated with local cultural factors of Sinophone communities, particularly those in Taiwan, since the true spirit of Venuti's theory suggests intervening in local cultures through translation and translation studies.
起訖頁 29-57
關鍵詞 韋努蒂施萊瑪赫貝曼歸化異化VenutiSchleiermacherBermandomesticationforeignization
刊名 編譯論叢  
期數 202203 (15:1期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 見諸相非相:談班雅明翻譯理論的浪漫性
該期刊-下一篇 華翻越譯本常見錯誤之研究──以臺灣大眾媒體及公家機關的翻譯文本為例




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