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Developing a Flipped Classroom Teaching Model and Learning Activities to Enhance Students' Learning Outcomes
作者 施文玲蔡俊彥
"This study aimed to develop a teaching model and learning activities for a flipped classroom (FC) and to explore the effectiveness of the designed model. The study adopted an action research design. Data were collected through a platform analysis, a questionnaire, classroom observation, and in-depth interviews. Participants of this one-semester study were 34 students enrolled in a business etiquette course at a university of science and technology in southern Taiwan. Findings indicated that the FC teaching model was a considerably effective teaching practice. The results revealed that students had improved their learning effectiveness and had a positive perception on the quality of teaching. In terms of cognition, students had learned the knowledge of each unit, cultivated key abilities, and had a high degree of learning interest and learning satisfaction. Accordingly, it is suggested that the activity design of business etiquette courses in future research should be integrated with daily life practice. Game competition activities may be added to teaching to enhance learning interest. Question-and-answer activities may be integrated into teaching to improve students' concentration and high-level cognitive learning, respectively. Additionally, internet resource search and learning notes activities may be incorporated in learning activities to deepen and broaden learning."
起訖頁 67-101
關鍵詞 商業禮儀課程翻轉教室翻轉教學翻轉教學模式學習活動規劃business etiquette courseflipped classroomflipped teachingflipped teaching modellearning activities
刊名 大學教學實務與研究學刊  
期數 202112 (5:2期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 設計思考與CDIO融入的數位人文創新教學模式
該期刊-下一篇 科技大學實施大學入門課程歷程與反思──以國立臺中科技大學「大學之道」為例




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