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大學教學實務與研究學刊 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Preliminary Study on Implementation of University Preparatory Courses at Universities of Science and Technology-Focusing on the National Taichung University of Science and Technology's ''Ways to University Education''
作者 何昕家 (Shin-Jia Ho)
"In recent years, ''university preparatory courses,'' ''courses on the cultivation of university students,'' ''courses on the ways to university education,'' and ''preparatory courses for freshmen'' have been introduced at a wide range of universities and technological and junior colleges. The primary reason is that for freshmen entering the tertiary education system, the differences in studying, living, and class assignments are relatively considerable. In addition to adapting to a new lifestyle, one has to meet the demands of the required professional courses in the departments. The course on ''The Ways to University Education'' mainly allows students to understand the importance of the ability of autodidactism, social care, international vision, critical thinking, interactive expression, and so on, in the process of self-learning at the university. These can be characterized as narrative ability integration, and this course links the real society and environment through five elements, namely democracy, ethics, science, aesthetics, and media. This study mainly introduces the contents and context of our university's initialization of ''The Ways to University Education,'' and simultaneously explains the results and benefits of its implementation. Accordingly, it is believed that the introductory course will be structured effectively. Through different teaching methods, freshmen can learn about the importance of university learning based on their perception and mission."
起訖頁 103-132
關鍵詞 大學入門大學之道科技大學通識教育university preparatory courses''The Ways to University Education''university of science and technologygeneral education
刊名 大學教學實務與研究學刊  
期數 202112 (5:2期)
出版單位 國立清華大學
該期刊-上一篇 發展翻轉教室的教學模式與學習活動規劃以提升學生的學習成效




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