中文摘要 |
"資通訊科技改變社會人文的樣貌以及促成數位人文知識體系的創新與發展,所衍生之研究與教育相關議題多元豐富,包括科技、人文、數位化、使用者衍生內容與知識生態體系等;而教學內容、教學情境與方法亦因應數位人文的發展進程而持續改變與創新。本教案係整合設計思考(design thinking)、CDIO(conceive, design, implement, operate)與專題導向式(project-based learning, PBL)的教學模式,以「數位人文創新與實踐」為主題進行課程設計與教學實踐,在實作過程中引導學生理解數位人文的創新與社會實踐,同時將課程內容數位化與典藏化,以具體落實數位人文與數位典藏。本教案主要產出包括:(1)數位人文課群與課程設計與整合;(2)跨領域教學團隊共創;(3)教案數位化與典藏化;(4)學習成效的正面回饋,學習回饋顯示學生對跨領域學習數位人文課程具高度正向的學習意願,並表明本教案對數位人文領域之教學實踐適切有用。本教案之設計、學習成果與實踐歷程,有助於高等教育創新教學與數位人文領域相關課程設計與規劃之參考。" |
英文摘要 |
"Information and communication technology drives the development of the digital humanities knowledge system. In addition to transforming the humanities and social appearance, it also derives educational levels. The curriculum content is broad and complex and includes digital technology and humanities knowledge. It is imperative to design teaching plans in accordance with the theme content, teaching context, and methods. This course combines design thinking, CDIO, and the thematic guidance mode, with a cross-field thematic course of ''Digital Humanities Innovation and Practice''; it does so to guide students to experience humanistic innovation and to explore social practice and to conduct the culture digitalization and collection project in the course to transform culture collection and preservation. The results of the after-class feedback showed that students responded positively to the cross-field learning digital humanities course equipment, and were willing to recommend and participate in the learning. Further, the results showed that this lesson plan is appropriate and useful for digital humanities teaching. The course history and results can provide a reference for the innovation of digital humanities teaching in higher education." |