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Antecedents, consequences, and potential mediation, and moderators of employees' voice behavior: A meta-analytic investigation
作者 博松雲李相宜黃良志黃英忠許建彬
The employees' voice behavior is the most valuable behavior in an organization or enterprise. The influence of the employees' voice behavior is gradually taken seriously. In terms of the influence variables of the employees' voice behavior, except the influence model of the antecedents and consequences, it may also include the influence of the latent variables. The results of a single study may lead to mistaken conclusions due to factors that produce sampling error, measurement error, and other tools. Corrections using meta-analysis can avoid mistaking conclusions. Our study mainly uses the meta-analysis method to list systematically the causes, consequences and latent mediating and moderating variables of employees' voice behavior. We collected 245 studies in Taiwan and China. In deleted the non-data paper, we selected 141 papers to analyze. The results found that the impact of employee voice behavior can be divided into organizational level (to distinguish between system and the management) and individual level (to distinguish individual consciousness, personal identity and personal feelings, experiences). Therefore, the proposed organization by improving the system of the organization and management, as to provide employees a friendly environment, promote employee voice behavior and improve performance, thereby enhancing organizational effectiveness.
起訖頁 34-59
關鍵詞 統合分析建言行為潛在變數Meta-Analysisvoice behaviorlatent variable
刊名 勞資關係論叢  
期數 202106 (23:1期)
出版單位 國立中正大學勞工關係學系
該期刊-上一篇 性別化的傷疤效果?檢視非典型工作經驗對於臺灣受雇者日後進入典型工作可能性的影響
該期刊-下一篇 銀行人員真實工作預覽對心理安全氣候與組織吸引力的影響──以組織氣候為干擾變數




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