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The effects of the sign language support system on a student with hearing impairment in an inclusive classroom
作者 曾冠茹林秀錦 (Hsiu-Chin Lin)
The case study explored the impacts of the sign language support system on a student with hearing impairment, the teacher and children in the inclusive classroom. The sign language support system provided by the resource room teacher included teaching the student with hearing impairment math and literature with sign language in the resource room, teaching the whole class sign language once a week, and being as a sign language interpreter in science and social class. The results indicated that the sign language support system facilitated the school adjustment of the student with severe hearing impairment in the aspects of academic learning, interpersonal relationships and routine adaptation. In the learning aspect, the student made better comprehensions of the courses and class activities, improved his attention span and levels of participation. In the aspect of the interpersonal relationships, the student's interactions with teachers and peers were enhanced. The student not only served as a teacher's helper but also used sign language to communicate and play with peers. In terms of routine adaptation, the sign language support system allowed the student to follow the class and daily routines, as well as completed the tasks assigned by the teacher. In addition, after learning the sign language in the whole class, teachers communicated in simple sign language, provided students with visual information, and promoted the efficiency of classroom management. For the classroom peers, sign language allowed them to communicate with the student with hearing impairment more efficiently, and they also felt sign language as a convenient and interesting language.
起訖頁 25-54
關鍵詞 聽覺障礙手語支持系統學校適應hearing impairmentsign language support systemschool
刊名 溝通障礙教育  
期數 201712 (4:2期)
出版單位 中華溝通障礙教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 聽覺障礙學生聽力評估之分析研究
該期刊-下一篇 幼兒導向式語言教學對提升學前聽覺障礙幼童語言表達能力之成效




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