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The effectiveness of Child-Directed Speech on Improving the Ability of Language Expression of Preschool Children with Hearing impairment
作者 陳政廷黃玉枝
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of child-directed speech training on improving the ability of language expression of preschool children with hearing impairment. A withdrawal design of a single case study was implemented in this study. Participants was one three-year old child with hearing impairment in Pingtung City. The child-directed speech training program was 14 weeks and twice a week for 60 minutes of each time. The training program included: thematic language activities, the choice of key words and design scenarios, to promote vocabulary understanding of the analogy language. The data were collected from samples of children's language, interviews with parents and teachers, anecdotal records. It was found that the children's vocabulary and spontaneous expression and communication ability have improved after the child-directed speech training. In the daily life communication, the number of words used and the number of spontaneous expressions were continued to increase, and the participants effectively generalized the learning to family and school interactions. And, there was some micro improvement of speech intelligibility as well. Parents and teachers also confirmed that child-directed speech training has a positive impact on improving the language expression ability of the preschool children with hearing impairment. According to the main findings, some suggestions regarding to teaching and further research were proposed.
起訖頁 55-76
關鍵詞 幼兒導向式語言學前聽覺障礙兒童語言表達能力child-directed speechpreschool children with hearing impairmentlanguage expression ability
刊名 溝通障礙教育  
期數 201712 (4:2期)
出版單位 中華溝通障礙教育學會
該期刊-上一篇 融合教育下提供手語支持系統對聽障兒童與班級師生的影響




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