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When a Missionary Became a Diplomatic Translator: S. Wells Williams' Evangelism-Politics Dilemma
作者 帥司陽
衛三畏(S. Wells Williams)是最早來華的美國傳教士之一,然而,他卻於1857年正式加入美國駐華使團,擔任譯員及中文祕書之職,在早期中美外交中扮演重要角色。本文聚焦衛三畏初入使團時期,藉助一手檔案史料,探究衛三畏在加入使團前後產生了怎樣的身分認同危機,其身分認同又怎樣影響他在外交翻譯活動中的立場、抉擇與處境。透過研究衛三畏的個案,一方面,可以看到早期中美外交中宗教訴求和國家政治之間的共謀與衝突,如何透過譯者這個媒介展現出來;另一方面也能夠呈現傳教士譯者在當時獨特的歷史環境下複雜的身分和位置。
S. Wells Williams, one of the first American protestant missionaries to China, joined the U.S. Legation in 1857 as Interpreter and Chinese Secretary, playing important roles in early Sino-U.S. diplomacy. This paper focuses on Williams' transformation from a missionary to a diplomatic translator, and tries to analyze how his double identity (i.e., missionary and diplomatic official) influenced his choices and his situation with regard to the translation activities and diplomatic events that shaped early Sino-U.S. relations. By examining Williams' case with the help of first-hand archival sources, this paper aims to shed light on the clashes and compromises between religious ideas and political interests in early Sino-U.S. relations. It further foregrounds the complex identities and roles of missionary translators in the unique political and cultural context of the mid- 19th century.
起訖頁 19-51
關鍵詞 衛三畏傳教士譯者外交翻譯早期中美關係S. Wells Williamsmissionary translatordiplomatic translationearly Sino-U.S. relations
刊名 編譯論叢  
期數 202103 (14:1期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 唐宋時代佛經譯場職司考
該期刊-下一篇 擔了虛名的蘭氏:《天方夜譚》轉譯底本考(1900-1949)




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