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Who Translated Lane? The Sources of Several Chinese Versions of One Thousand and One Nights, 1900-1949
作者 賴慈芸
阿拉伯故事集《天方夜譚》(或譯《一千零一夜》)自1900年開始有中文譯本。20世紀前半葉的眾多譯本,大多透過英譯本轉譯,許多研究都以為主要根據的版本是1839年的雷恩(Edward Lane)譯本,但本文指出其實多數中譯本都是根據加朗(Galland)法譯本的英譯本轉譯。1900年周桂笙譯本和1903年的〈一千一夜〉譯自湯森(Townsend)本;1903年奚若譯的《天方夜譚》聲稱譯自雷恩譯本,1904年周作人的〈俠女奴〉也自稱譯自雷恩譯本,其實兩者都譯自傅斯特(Forster)譯本。1928年屺瞻生、天笑生合譯語體《天方夜談》,序中稱讚雷恩本完善,但其實譯自浩頓.米福林(Houghton Mifflin)公司出版的選集,係根據史葛德(Scott)版本改寫的青少年選本。以上湯森、傅斯特、史葛德3種英譯本皆轉譯自加朗法譯本,與雷恩本無關。1940年林俊千版自稱譯自雷恩本,其實改寫自屺瞻生、天笑生版本,為語內翻譯的版本,仍與雷恩本無關。本文探索以上各版本的翻譯底本,證明轉譯自加朗法譯本的英譯版本,實為20世紀前半葉各種中文譯本的主要源頭。
The collection of Middle Eastern folk tales in Arabic, One Thousand and One Nights or The Arabian Nights, was first translated into Chinese in 1900 through an English translation. Since then, many Chinese versions have been translated through English versions during the first half of the 20th century. It has been generally assumed that most Chinese translators chose Edward Lane's version as their source text. However, this paper points out that there was no Chinese version based on Lane's version. Most Chinese versions were actually translated via the English translations of Antoine Galland's French version, including those of Edward Forster, Jonathan Scott, and George Townsend. Others were translated from adaptations for young readers, such as Stories from the Arabian Nights, published by the Houghton Mifflin Co., and The Arabian Nights Entertainments: Stories From the Thousand and One Nights, Told for Young People by Martha Lane. This paper aims to clarify the source texts for Chinese translations of One Thousand and One Nights before 1949.
起訖頁 53-95
關鍵詞 《天方夜譚》奚若加朗雷恩轉譯One Thousand and One NightsXi RuoAntoine GallandEdward Laneindirect translation
刊名 編譯論叢  
期數 202103 (14:1期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 當傳教士成為外交譯者:福音與政治之間的衛三畏
該期刊-下一篇 「元文本性」視角下地名翻譯策略──以《紅樓夢》法文全譯本為例




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