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A Comparison of Preschool Education in Japan with the Implementation of the Policy of Integrating Day-care Centers and Kindergartens in Taiwan
作者 沈龍安
Having passed its third reading in Taiwan’s legislature, the Early Childhood Education and Care Act came into effect on January 1, 2011; under the provisions of this Act, all institutions engaged in providing education and care services to young children aged 2 ‒ 6 were to be renamed as “preschools,” and would fall under the supervision of the Ministry of Education and of the education bureaus of individual county and city governments. Japan has a system of nursery schools and kindergartens that is very similar to the system of nursery schools and kindergartens that existed in Taiwan prior to the 2011 reforms; nursery schools and kindergartens in Japan are supervised by different government agencies and regulated by different laws. In recent years, with the trend towards smaller families and the growing number of women working outside the home, the integration of nursery schools and kindergartens has become a key element in strategies to reform preschool education in Japan.
The aim of the present study is to compare, and develop a more thorough understanding of, the preschool education systems in Japan and Taiwan. The study makes use of a review of the literature and of a comparative analysis approach, collating reports on the implementation of preschool education in Taiwan and Japan, along with relevant laws and regulations, official statistics, journal articles, online materials, etc., in order to achieve this aim. The study puts forward the following suggestions regarding preschool education in Taiwan following the integration of nursery schools and kindergartens.
起訖頁 083-102
關鍵詞 比較教育日本學前幼兒教育幼托整合政策Comparative educationpreschool education in Japanpolicy of integrating nursery schools and kindergartens
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201611 (106期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
該期刊-上一篇 國民中學組織創新氣氛對教師創新教學影響之研究:以心理資本為中介
該期刊-下一篇 臺北市高中生父母金錢教育之研究




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