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香港中學中文科教師推動學生自主學習之研究   全文下載 全文下載
A study on the introduction of self-regulated learning in the classroom by Hong Kong secondary school Chinese language teachers
作者 吳善揮



Self-regulated learning has become the focus of global education reform in recent years. Students play a more important role in the learning process; teachers organize more self-regulated activities to let them explore their own learning interests for the objective of constructing their own knowledge base by themselves. In response to the trend of the international educational development, Hong Kong Education Bureau has carried out curriculum reforms on the Chinese Language subject; which requires Chinese Language teachers to promote self-regulated learning in the classroom. However, research on investigating the implementation of self-regulated learning in the Chinese language classroom is yet to be conducted by Hong Kong academics. Therefore, we believe that it is necessary to carry out such investigation to resolve the difficulties met by the Chinese Language teachers, to facilitate the continuation of the development of self-regulated learning. From this perspective, this study is a qualitative research which the researcher interviewed six Chinese Language teachers (who have introduced self-regulated learning in the classroom) to explore the difficulties they have encountered. Following difficulties of the Chinese Language teachers have been found: (1) teaching progress, (2) professional knowledge, (3) support of school, (4) willingness of teachers, and (5) ability of students. It is noted that the ways of implementing self-regulated learning are rather monotone and similar, revealing the teachers’ lack of understanding on the core principles of self-regulated learning. The researcher has suggested strategies based on the results found, for the reference of teaching fellows.

起訖頁 133-154
關鍵詞 香港自主學習學與教中國語文科中文科教師Hong Kongself-regulated learninglearning and teachingChinese LanguageChinese Language teachers
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201501 (95期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.3966/160683002015010095008   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 高職幼保科學生升學意願因素之個案研究
該期刊-下一篇 南投縣一所原住民國民小學多元文化融入課程執行之分析與建議




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