中文摘要 |
本文使用日語語料庫,對比不同母語背景日語學習者日語輔助動詞-te simau習得過程異同,探討說話者、動作者及動詞意志性對-te simau語意使用的影響。分析結果發現,不分母語背景,學習者的正用形式集中使用於「-te simau」「tyau」的非過在式;而誤用形式集中在應該使用「ta」時,誤用成「-te simau」,並且此情形在超級程度學習者也常發生。此外,-te simau的產出集中於「說話者≠動作者」的狀況明顯,並依說話者意志有無,不同母語背景學習者在-te simau使用上有所差異。 In this paper, using the Japanese learner's utterance corpus, we examined whether the learning process of the Japanese subsidiary verb -te simau and the learner's interlanguage have commonality and individuality according to the difference between the Japanese language level and the native language, and whether there is a difference in usage depending on three factors: speaker, agent, and verb volition. The results show that the Japanese learners tend to use -te simau as an alternative to -ta, and the usage of the Japanese subsidiary verb -te simau is influenced by the characteristic of negative emotional and evaluative meaning when the speaker did not correspond to the agent. |