中文摘要 |
筆者為解決存在日文作文課堂中的「沒有讀者」、「缺乏文章構成力」、「誤用無法共享」的問題,而導入同儕回饋,並進行一連串的相關教學研究。但同時身為一位日語教師,筆者也思考透過日語教育我們到底想要培育什麼樣的日語人材;也就是說社會到底須要我們教職人員去培育何種日語人材。透過一連串的檢討筆者得知,社會須要學校去培養21世紀的人材,即擁有「獨立、合作、創新」能力之人材。為達到此目標培育具有批判性素養(critical literacy)就成為重要的課題,而「課題解決型」教授法則是在培育批判性素養時的重要教學法。本論文為達到培育21世紀日語人材的目標,將「課題解決型(problem-posing)」教授法導入「日語作文(3)(4)」的課程中;藉此培養對社會現象的關心並藉由自行収集相關資料去進行分析,而找出存在其社會現象的問題點。此論文主要是以台灣社會中的「小確幸」現象為教學主題,進行「課題解決型」教授法的活動設計,透過學習者的成品可以發現藉由「課題解決型」教授法的教學活動,確實可以訓練出擁有「獨立、合作、創新」能力之人材。 This paper addresses a common problem in the instruction of essay writing in the context of teaching Taiwanese students Japanese-namely, a lack of peer review. In addressing this problem, one must reflect on the degree of critical literacy in Japanese that one seeks to promote. For example, what does society demand of Taiwanese students' Japanese-language proficiency, and how can educators prepare their students accordingly? Preparing foreign-language students to meet current linguistic demands requires fostering creativity, an independence of mind, and peer interaction-qualities that comprise critical literacy. Furthermore, applying a“problem-posing'' teaching approach is key to helping one's students achieve such literacy. Hence, how to introduce specific“problem-posing'' methods-described in-depth herein-to classroom instruction of Japanese in the context of essay-writing is the focus of this paper. |