中文摘要 |
論者自99學年度(2010)起在任教的大學講授「人文素養」科目之一的文學相關課程,本課程以設定聽、說、讀、寫、譯等五種言語活動為指導的目標,具體的達成指標則為以下四點:①透過精讀理解文章,加強讀解力並能正確掌握內容及主旨。②理解言語文化的特質及表現上的特色,更加豐富語彙。③在接受發問的過程中培養思考力和想像力,進而能自我發問並思考作中人物的生活方式並提出想法。④鑑賞詩歌,並能從事創作。課程的內容主要是日本近現代的文學作品,特別是小說的精讀,設定的四點指導目標其中一點為「鑑賞詩歌,並能從事創作」,而內容具體而言,便是「俳句的創作與鑑賞」之指導實踐。此論基於筆者本身擔任大學日文系文學課程教師的教學經驗,報告分配在俳句指導上4小時的課程內容,以及其教學實踐過程。 The researcher has been instructing one course regarding Japanese Literature in Japanese Language and Literature Department, Chinese Culture University, since 2010. The course is considered as one of the humanity literacy subjects. The goal of the course is to strengthen listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating comprehensions. The contents of the course are set up with the goal to have the students appreciate poems and then write some articles themselves by reading the novels thoroughly, especially Japanese modern literary works. In particular, the course is to fulfill the objective of instructing the students to compose the haiku poems and appreciate them. Therefore, the paper is completed by my experience of being the teacher of Japanese literature in the Japanese Language and Literature Department , Chinese Culture University, the contents of the four -hour program concerning the haiku poems, and the results of how it is practiced. |