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Jörn Rüsen’s Theory of Historical Consciousness in Taiwan: The High School Students’ Curriculum Movement as a Practice of Critical Historical Consciousness
作者 洪銘國
本文旨在重新詮釋余琛(Jörn Rüsen)四型歷史意識理論,透過比對余琛英文著作和胡昌智先生中文譯介間的差異,來闡釋不同歷史意識對權威解讀的不同,並透過批判型歷史意識來解釋臺中一中蘋果樹公社師生參與反課綱微調運動的批判精神和教育意義。透過探討余琛四型歷史意識理論如何在臺譯介產生落差,論證過往學術在威權體制的傳統包袱中,表現出余琛所提傳統型歷史意識之擁護權威傾向,難以理解批判精神的正面意義,而余琛所提培養歷史意識的歷史教育,應接納多元共存的歷史論戰,批判型歷史意識質疑權威的理念和做法,能帶出不同於主流歷史詮釋的相反論述,有其社會和教育價值,本文申論臺中一中許全義老師「學生有感」之教學理念,並其帶領學生參與反課綱微調運動之舉,為批判型歷史意識之教育實踐。若以批判種族理論詮釋,反主流之經驗論述是研究批判之聲的重要來源,亦為培養演化型歷史意識不可或缺之相反論述,當代臺灣社會如欲達到余琛四型歷史意識中最高評價之演化型歷史意識,應培養對弱勢者歷史論述予以包容接納的道德素養,以此為根基促成更多對話,而生成不斷更新的歷史意識。
This article discusses the difference of Jörn Rüsen’s theory of Historical Consciousness between his English writings and Hu Ch’ang-Chih’s Chinese translation. The main difference between Rüsen’s and Hu’s interpretation of Historical Consciousness is the attitude on authority. This article argues that the participants in the Taiwanese High School Students’ Curriculum Movement in summer 2015 performed critical historical consciousness to challenge political manipulation over the educational system in a positive way. Hsu Chuan-Yi, an active role in the movement as a teacher of student leaders, expressed his educational philosophy as implementing critical historical consciousness. A critical narrative of the movement will benefit Taiwanese society to develop genetic historical consciousness. From the perspective of critical race theory, the movement also reflected racial/ethnic awareness. The historical narrative of the movement’s participants was based on Hoklos’ experiences to fight against Mainlanders’ historical narrative formalized by the political power. It should also be an example for Taiwanese to learn to hear minorities’ voices.
起訖頁 189-230
關鍵詞 批判種族理論高中生反課綱微調運動歷史意識Critical Race TheoryTaiwanese High School Students’ Curriculum MovementHistorical Consciousness
刊名 思與言  
期數 201809 (56:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 文本、文本閱讀與歷史教學:兼論溫伯格的閱讀理論
該期刊-下一篇 法國歷史教育的歷史與晚近發展:兼論記憶法律所引起的爭議




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