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Text, Text Reading and History Teaching and Focus on the Literacy Theory of Sam Wineburg
作者 林慈淑
近年來受到「語言學轉向」思潮的影響,歷史教育同樣也興起一股主張培養學生閱讀文本的風氣。其中,美國史丹佛大學的溫伯格(Sam Wineburg)所提倡的閱讀理論備受矚目。本文擬以探究文本閱讀與歷史教學的關係為主軸,並分別處理三個重點:首先,回溯20世紀以來「語言學轉向」思潮下所蘊藉出的「文本」意義以及詮釋資料的新模式。其次,本文將分析溫伯格歷史教育觀點,呈現他的閱讀思考與當代文本概念的關連性。最後,筆者將探究溫伯格提出的兩個文本閱讀策略:「追查史源」(sourcing)、「脈絡化」(contextualization)在歷史教學上的可行性,並反思文本閱讀在歷史教育上的重要性。
Currently developing students’ literacy tends to be an important issue of history teaching. From this viewpoint, influenced partly by the tide of “linguistic Turn” since 1960s, students need to foster literacy through reading like a historian. One of the well-known researchers is Sam Wineburg, the director of Stanford History Education Group and the author of Reading Like a Historian: Reading like a historian: Teaching Literacy in Middle and High School History Classrooms. For revealing the relationship between literacy or text reading and history teaching, this article deals with three points. Firstly, it explores the new concept of text and the new mode of interpretation by the context of linguistic turn. Secondly, it will analyze Sam Wineburg’s literacy theory and his view of historical education. The third, it tries to investigate the suitability for teaching sourcing and contextualization these two strategies which Wineburg have invented for reading historical texts.
起訖頁 127-187
關鍵詞 文本文本閱讀歷史教學溫伯格TextText ReadingHistory TeachingSam Wineburg
刊名 思與言  
期數 201809 (56:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 從《十二年國民基本教育課程綱要總綱》看高中歷史教學的契機與挑戰
該期刊-下一篇 論余琛歷史意識理論兼論臺灣反課綱微調運動之批判精神




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